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5 Things to Know Before Camping


Most of us love adventure. We want to do unusual things or be creative. There is a simple way to achieve these. Go camping!

Most of us love adventure. We want to do unusual things or be creative. There is a simple way to achieve these. Go camping!

Camping is fun and cheap. Also you don’t deal with hotels and it is full of adventure. If you are a person who doesn’t like to plan everything in detail, camping suits you!

However, camping also comes with its pain if you don’t go with the items that you might need. Here are some of the essential things you should know:


First of all, if you are going to camp in a place you’ve never been before, you better check the weather. You might need sleeping-bag even if it’s summer time! Remember, summer time can be tricky in some areas and it can be very windy or cold especially when it’s night.

Also, no matter if you setup your tent in a camping area or a place that you’ve chosen, it might be very windy and you might need different kinds of tent pegs. You are not sure how find them, well you don’t need to be intimidated because you can always look around and find heavy rocks or wood pieces to fix the pegs.


Never ever go on camping before researching the area! You might be shocked when you see the camping rules or prices of camping areas. Make sure the place you’ll go lets you camping if there’s no camping area. Check if it’s safe. Some camping areas don’t let you use the showers or electricity for free. Some charge you at the entrance. Even if the electricity is free, it’s always better to bring an extension cable with you.


You may be going with your friends, alone or with kids which is the most important one because they are more sensitive than adults. You should bring essential medicine with you like painkillers, flu medicine. If there’s someone allergic to bugs or suffer from gas make sure you have the correct medicine. Don’t forget to put on sun protection creams!

Day Time

Are you planning to go on camping in summer time? Because if you are, then you shouldn’t be thinking that tent is enough for you. You won’t be sitting in the tent all day. You won’t be walking or swimming all day too. You need a place to rest: arbor tent. If the camping area is in the forest or in woodland, then it’s ok but if it’s not, you might turn red under the sun all day J

Night Time

Camping areas usually turn off their light before midnight and you won’t be sleeping at that time because it’s lovely to chat or sit beside the camp fire. To walk around, you’ll need a flashlight or head lamp. You can buy a light to hang in the tent and a flashlight to walk around. There won’t be city lights which means it’s going to get really dark and you’ll have the chance to see the stars better. So, it is a must to have a flashlight.

Camping is better than most of the holiday options. You’ll be free, you’ll have many options to visit, and meet new people more than in a hotel and it can be very cheap after upfront cost. Don’t forget the essential equipment and have a wonderful holiday!

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