Haveyou ever decidedtheplacewhereyouwillgo on holiday?Areyoutired of thesameholidaylocations?
Here i have a wonderfulholidaysuggestionforyou. Antalya is one of themostbeautifulplaceforholiday in Turkey.
Antalya drawstheattention of touristsfrommanycountries, such as Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Spain, Japan, Latvia, Moldavia, Norway, Uzbekistan, Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Australia, Finland, Iran, Italy, Iceland, TurkishCyprus, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Slovenia, SyriaandGreece. Kyrgyztouristnumbersincreasedthemostlastyear, growing 19 percent.
Let’shave a look at an overview of a wonderfulcity Antalya.
Beaches of Antalya
Theland of a thousandfaces, Turkey is legendaryforthelongbrightsummervacationsspentbeneaththeclearskieswhichmirrorthemselvesintotheemeraldwaters of theMediterranean Gold of Antalya whoserockyshoreline, coveredbysmallpatches of golden sand, risestoembracetheoldsacredTaurusMountains of the East.
Nights in Antalya
Fans of nightlifewillsurelyfindseveralinterestingdestinations in thecity. Club Aura is a very popular nightentertainmentand a regularvenue of performances of bestDJs. Arma is one of themost popular discos of thecity. Here you can havefununtildawn. Denizati Disko-Bar is a trendyclub, a disco, and a bar. Theclub is located a fewstepsaway fromthecoastline.
Diving in Antalya
Therearearound 45 differentdivesites , thatareallreachablewithin 30 minutesstartingfromtheharbour of Kas. Diving in Kas contains an hugeamount of possibilitieslikewreck-diving , cave-diving , underwatercanyons, a lot of stonereefs , swim-through&tunnels , nightdiving as well as underwater art exhibitionsandmanygreatplacesforswimming&snorkelling .
Thereareusually 2 divetrips a day . Sometimes , when it is a special, bit far awaydive site , fulldaytripsare done as well . A fewdivecentresareofferingalsodiving at theirownhousereef . Becausethedivesitesare not far away, thedivingboatsreturntotheharbour of Kas aftereachdive, whichmakes it easyforyou in case, youjustwantto do onedive a dayand do not "waste" all time beingallday on theboat .
I stronglyrecommendyoutotaste Köfte-Piyaz