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Breast Enlargement Non-Surgical Breast Enlargement Plant Oils by Natural Ways


It is almost every woman's dream to have big, plump and shaped breasts in the world. In most cultures in the world, having big and full breasts is a symbol of beauty.

It is almost every woman's dream to have big, plump and shaped breasts in the world. In most cultures in the world, having big and full breasts is a symbol of beauty. Some women are lucky in this regard, some complain about having small breasts.

There are two hormones responsible for breast development: estrogen and progesterone. Genetics and nutrition also affect the person's breast size.

Fennel Seed

Flavonoids found in fennel seeds stimulate estrogen production. Estrogen; The main female sex hormone, which is responsible for the development of the female reproductive system organs including the breast in the body.


1 teaspoon fennel seeds 1 cup of water Honey

Add the seeds of fennel into a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes after boiling in a pot. Then drink this fennel tea before it cools down. You can also add honey into your mouth according to your taste. Eat it twice a day.

Wheat Seed Oil

Wheat seeds are very effective in breast development and chest tightening. In addition, the wheat germ accelerates blood circulation to all local tissues around the breast while providing proper metabolism due to the correct oxygen and feeding flow. Moreover; Thanks to the content of wheat germ oil, the breasts remain tight for many years.

Drop a few drops of wheat germ into your palms and massage your chest with circular movements for 10 minutes. Repeat this method 3 times a day for 4 weeks.

Fenugreek Oil

Fenugreek is an estrogenic plant and stimulates breast enlargement hormones when used orally or externally, thus naturally enhancing breasts.


2 dessert spoon of fenugreek oil

Hand the fenugreek oil over your breasts and massage for 5 minutes. Repeat this application on a daily basis.

Onion Juice

Onion juice is a very simple but effective method for breast enlargement. Onion juice helps the breasts to grow and tighten. Mix the onion juice with honey and turmeric and rub on your chest before sleeping. Soak one night and rinse with warm water the next morning. Follow this method daily until you get effective results.

Olive oil

It is known that the nutrients in olive oil improve blood circulation. It also contains phytoestrogens that mimic estrogenic activity in the body and can thus be used to enlarge breasts.


2 teaspoons of olive oil

Take some olive oil in your palm and massage your breasts with gentle movements for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this method 1-2 times a day.

Soybean Oil

Soybean oil helps to increase the level of estrogen in the body to increase the breasts.


2 dessert spoons of soybean oil

Massage your breast with soy bean oil for 10 to 15 minutes in a circular motion. Apply this massage daily.

Red lentil

Red lentil; used in the field of health as well as in the field of beauty. It is a natural food that is effective for breast enlargement and should be used. Take a handful of red lentils into 1 cup of water and leave for 2 hours. Then stir and rub on your breasts. After waiting half an hour, wash your breasts with warm water.

Dwarf Palm

Dwarf palm is a native plant commonly found in the coastal regions of South America and the Caribbean. Dwarf palm supplements have long been used to enlarge breasts in women. Dwarf palm; It contains phyllobutins that can help enlarge the breasts. This plant can be easily obtained from herbal stores on the market.


500 mg dwarf palm capsule

Use a 500 mg dwarf palm capsule daily.

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