1. Introduction
The Renaissance, called as the ‘rebirth’, was a period in European history, in between 14th and 17th century (Renaissance, 2017). The Renaissance was born in Italy, in 14th century (the late Medieval period) and then the rest of the Western Europe was impressed in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. The intellectual basis of the Renaissance period was rediscovery of interest in the classical art forms of Roman and Greek culture, and their use as painting, sculpture, writings, architecture and urbanism (Morris). The development of the Renaissance in the study of classical architecture is closely related with the growth of literary and scientific humanism (Morris, 1994). The aim of Renaissance architecture is that get over from the Gothic style of architecture with any enthusiasm. Never strongly established in Italy (Morris, 1994). The coming of the Renaissance brought new rational basis, ideas energy for cities extension based on the new scale of city growth (Bacon, 1974). The motto of the Renaissance was that man is the measure of the all things said by Protagoras. The new way of thinking started with Renaissance became manifest in art, architecture, literature and other aspects of intellectual inquiry.
2. Renaissance Cities
The notions of urbanism and urban designer for the first time came to light in the Renaissance period within the possibilities of suggesting their theories and experience the existing cities an o wide scale (Morris,1994). The European urban Renaissance was aiming to develop the European cities based on the principles of the traditional city. The Renaissance concurred with increases in the extend and population of European cities. Probably, the most considerable change was in the Rome that grew from 17,000 in the 1370s to almost 12,000 by 1650 (Morris, 1994). After extension of the cities, a few opportunities came to light for elaborated redevelopment. The significant generator of urban settlement was the industry that committed in the closing decades of the Renaissance period. The cities get shaped according to ideal cities thoughts. The ideal cities mostly transposed to design in perfect geometric shapes, focused squares and circles and polygons of various kinds (Kostof, 1991). The rigid modes of centrality, axial alignment and radial convergence were popular.