Mankind is a social being who needs to get social with its environment. We all got families, friends, wifes and husbands. But some people got very special friends which is not in same species with us. They cant read, they cant cook, they dont listen music. But they have more robust feelings than lots of people. You start to understand what i am talking about. The dogs. Our best friends and companies.I am going to share my, knowlodge and opinions about them.
Where they come from ?
It is belived that our cute friends are evolved from the wolves. Its not scientially proved but there isnt a better argument so many people accept it. It is known that dogs are first animals which tamed by mankind.First, they helped us to hunt. Than the brotherhood between us and them started and from that day on, it continues.
Their characteristic
There are types of dogs as you know. Im not going to talk about specific types of them, each ones have diffrent characteristics. Some of them are angry, some of them gamesome, some of them protective... Examples may increased. But im going to tell generally about them. To summarize, they are loyal and if you love them, they will never forget you. They are devoted to their owner, they can even die for you. That is what makes me love them.
Should we have one ?
They live maximum 17-18 years so make sure you can spend these years with your dog.If you will have one and one day you got bored of him then try to seek another owner for him, better do not have one. But if you are sure that i will take care of him for all his life, there is no doubt that he is gonna give all his love to you. There are environmental facts of course.If you have a garden or living in a country side, it makes your job a lot easier. They must roam a lot, not just for their needs of toilet. Thats in their nature.If you living in a flat, you should take him outside a lot and it makes things harder both you and your dog.To summarize, i dont recommend to have one if you are living in a flat.
Güncelleme Tarihi: 01 Mart 2018, 15:38